Replacing Brake Pads for Jeep Grand Cherokee/WJ: 1999-2004

Replacing Brake Pads for Jeep Grand Cherokee/WJ: 1999-2004

A complete step-by-step guide to replacing the brake pads on your 1999-2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee/WJ. Applies to most Jeeps with disc brakes, including Cheroke…



handyec says:

before, I was taking the whole caliper bracket off because I couldn’t get
the caliper off. Now I know the trick about compressing the caliper piston
first. So much easier now. Thanks.

Luigi Vargas says:

Nice video, thanks

Jereme Macready says:

what’s the purpose of all the brake parts cleaner spray? I mean, other
than the obvious answer of cleaner stuff coming off…seemed like an
excessive amount you sprayed. 

rdeclue1 says:

Good Video! I like watching vids like this, when I’m getting ready to work
on a vehicle that I’ve never worked on before. I was wondering about the
springs, as I could see them through the slots in the rim.

MrUnknownUser01 says:

very good video. very professional style of instruction.

youtoubesuxdix says:

This was a very helpful video. Unlike the other videos where they are just
like “take off the bolts and pull that shit off”

Khunable says:

On the Jeep you are using in this demonstration, can you tell if you need
to change the brake pad without removing the wheel?

842qwery says:

Just did my brakes, piece of cake following these instructions, thanks a
bunch bro!!

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