Jeep Turn Signals not Working? Here is a quick fix.

Jeep Turn Signals not Working? Here is a quick fix.

If your Jeep turn signals sometimes don’t work, here is a quick fix that worked for me. All you need is a rubber mallet, this fix seems to last a few days at…



Serge R says:

I tried it and it works, temporarily fix though. Take the flasher out and
inspect it under magnifying glass, find crack and solder it. Easy fix

Full Cheap OEM: Turn Signal “Blinkers” Relay Failure Fix on Jeep Laredo 2002

Sara Bauman says:

This is GREAT!!! I am going to try this tonight…

Courtney Phillips says:

hilarious. jeeps should come standard with rubber mallet. inddeeeeed

Gwendolyn Little says:

Did it today with a bat. Love you Warren it worked!

sportman4000 says:

I just kick straight up with my left foot…lol….putting a flasher in
today about $50 from the local part store. and you have to pull the knee
bolster to change it.

Joaquin77 says:

Hahahaha wtf??? I guess im gonna do that to my 1995 vw jetta hehehe

goingslimfast says:

Lol I have the same problem

Marc W says:

Rubber mallet, It’s a jeep thing !

Dr. Poogobbler says:

So it totally worked LOL!! Thanks for the advice. Now lets hope I dont
damage anything else.

Marc W says:

lmao…. just had to subscribe !! I own a 87 Cherokee with 300k plus miles,
and an 03 wrangle 82k miles , I guess I should have bought a rubber mallet
along time ago !!!! Great video

Dr. Poogobbler says:

HA! I have the exact same problem with my 2002 Grand Cherokee. Looks like
im off the ACE Hardware to buy a rubber mallet! Thanks

Serge R says:

Sorry it might sound stupid but is it permanent fix or i have to carry
rubber mallet with me all the time? 

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