Jeep Grand Cherokee Oil Change aka: Mrwiggles2

Jeep Grand Cherokee Oil Change aka: Mrwiggles2

Simple to do, yet so many people pull in to the quickie lubes… must be why there is one on every corner. Changing your oil is easy, yet so many HAVEN’T A C…



Lonny MacDougall says:

This was a nice video. Steady camera, calm voice, good instructions,
plenty of info without turning it into a feature length epic. Thanks.

tablalovingfatherson says:

Good clean simple DIY video. Thank you!!


Good vid, Craig…. That’s why I wanted to start doing some mechanic work,
to keep the garages honest, and to further my knowledge. . Merrie-Merrie

NRP1991 says:

Great videos man I sure enjoy them for sure!!!

Craig Arndt says:

I’m with you on that. Also to save money. Seems like the simple services
are creeping up in price. Believe it or not, I’m going to be tackling my
transfer case. Its making some noise and my local garage says it needs a
rebuild. They want $1000. I can buy a rebuild kit for under $200, but will
take some elbow grease to get it done. Have a great day today!

Craig Arndt says:

I’ll keep my fingers crossed, thanks Ed!

Craig Arndt says:

Thanks EJ, I’m sure he’ll resurface from time to time!

SpotBloodrain says:

do you ever put your jeep in gear before it stops?

805ROADKING says:

Good stuff Buddy!! You’ll always be Mr. Wiggles to me!!☺

Craig Arndt says:

No, I’m pretty good about stopping before moving the selector.

EdzGarage says:

One of my most viewed videos is an oil change. Good video Craig.

The Mind of Zizick says:

Will this help me with my Jeep Grand Cherokee Orvis Edition V8 5.0+ Liter?
It was made in ’95

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