Martin Jaguar Recurve Bow 40Lb

Martin Jaguar Recurve Bow 40Lb

Thanks to the Greyarcher1 for all of his really helpful vids, fantastic wealth of knowledge and skill, ManaoProductions for the clear and informative instruc…



MrCamperman123 says:

The bow is great I have one myself I didnt like the stringer it came with
it. It broke any way great vid

Christian Schmitz says:

Martin Jaguar isn´t a hunting bow? Since when?

243WW says:

Thanks.The bow is good for what you pay & shoots nice once you get the
string & rest replaced. (~$15 for the string, made my own & whatever for
the rest…I got a micro for about $100.Since replaced the rubber with wool
silencers. I can hit 100mm @ 15m almost all the time now & it shoots nice!
I am using Gold Tip 15/35 (600 spine) arrows cut to 749mm, 125gn field
points, Blazer fletching RH helical, pulling about 39LB from the bow due to
my short draw length. Can’t get replacement limbs though.

bambam30181 says:

Brother you are a legend. I’m so glad to finally see a decent lengthed
review and especially from a fellow Australian. How has the package served
you since posting this video? I’ve looked at the same package for my first
bow and am still contemplating the purchase.

Ragnar Hellscream says:

40 LBS??? Girls weight for recurve bows lol. Everything under 60lbs is
crap, fok the bow wehn you can dodge from 20m

243WW says:

The Master would think it’s fine for a beginner and a stepping stone onto
greater things. Better still, ask him! I have since moved onto an OMP and
now a Bear Kodiak TD, 45#. I should do a vid on it…

Combat Archery says:

It is a nice bow

243WW says:

I had issues with the huge flat shelf hitting my thumb all the time.

Hunter Hayes says:

this bow is a hunting bow, its recommended to get it at 45# draw weight if
your hunting with it though,

243WW says:

Sorry for the late reply. I am now using a bear Kodiak Take Down in 45#. I
find it shoots much cleaner than the Martin and has a nicer grip.

reddog694uk says:

I would like to know what Greyarcher thinks about this bow, he’s the Yoda
of field archery !

243WW says:

Thanks for the advice.

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