Jaguar XK8 Antenna Switch

Jaguar XK8 Antenna Switch

The antenna on the Jaguar XK8 is about 800 feet long and it looks ridiculous on such a curvaceous and beautiful car. Fortunately it only extends when the rad…



rickscarroll says:

whilst looking for a video on how to remove the front grille I found this
one… I now have another weekend project to do!!! Great work.

rodrunnerosx says:

Nice, i have an xk8 97 i would like to do this operation, but i’m not sure
it’s the same cable i have to cut, how can i find the right cable?

Tony Fludger says:

Thanks for posting this video, I am in the UK and own a 2003 4.2
coupe…like you, I dislike the aerial very much…looks like a cheap ‘oh
my God, we forgot the radio’ aerial’ afterthought!!

rnrmusic . says:

have you ever replaced your Rear view mirror. I want to do that but kinda
of afraid. Some say its very easy to crack the windshield, I love your
videos by the way

Paul530d says:

Excellent. I will definitely be doing this mod soon. Thanks, Sam 🙂 Frog

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