Jaguar XJ X351 Passenger Door Speaker Rattle Fix

Jaguar XJ X351 Passenger Door Speaker Rattle Fix


@loudspeakertestsmorebyaida3804 says:

That’s a nice looking speaker. It’s a shame it had issues.

@Supreme40x says:

did it come back after putting the dimple back into place?

@bigt86gn says:

im actually gonna try this my pass side door speaker is rattling hope this works

@jonathaniancooper1 says:

Didn't resolve my problem. The orange coloured panel around the 'dimple' had come unstuck around the edge about 1/3rd. Hot glue gun stuck it back. I did find it was still rattling a little but found that tightening all the inner door panel screws resolved this. I'm not sure the dimple should be pushed in…. I'm going to take the other side off to tighten the inner panel screws I will look at the other speaker and post.

@stewarthumphreys8960 says:

I owe you a pint my friend . . my xjl went in for a routine service and i asked them could they fix this annoying buzzing sound coming from my p/s/f speaker . no joy!!

Saw this vid last night and after a careful strip down of the door card an hour ago hey presto.. . my popey out center dome cone is now back in its rightful place and buzzing sound gone . .


@somekidzenvy says:

Is this the B&W system?

@cme4pics757 says:

the real problem is that the speaker is splitting around the edge, the glue has came lose that is where you hear the rattle from it will need to be regluded (play the speaker and look at it)

@jimmyramirez8844 says:

Do you have a video on how to remove door panel

@adamhuxley1129 says:

Pretty sure I have this issue. Sounds like a blown speaker but not all the time. Is it easy to get to the speaker?

@josephcampus5539 says:

It worked…unbelievable.
Tested ok with no more annoying rattle on my 2011 XJ passenger door lower driver.
The centre dome must have a manufacturing fault and pops out when driven hard…great work…thanks 🙂

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