Removing crankshaft pulley bolt

Removing crankshaft pulley bolt

I used an 8ft breaker bar and a chain wrench to break the bolt loose from the crankshaft pulley on my 1996 Isuzu Rodeo.



jude hill says:

I used a Husky brand impact wrench 800 lbs torque that I purchased at home
depot for 109 bucks. it took 5 seconds to turn after removing the radiator
for 30 minutes. Note: Lefty Loosey.24mm

jude hill says:

SouperScrotum: that would be a 24 mm socket. Use a six point impact.

SouperScrotum says:

can you please, please, please tell me the size of that socket? I’ve been
scouring google trying to find the size so I can remove my bolt. This is
the closest i’ve come.

phil sarti says:

Alternatively pull the starter and use a big old honking screwdriver to
lock the flywheel motionless-then pull on your breaker bar. (A little WD40
never hurt.)

jerrterr2002 says:

do you know or remember what size the bolt head is and did you remove it
clockwise or counter clockwise??I have a water pump to replace on my ’96
rodeo and have to remove the pulley in order to remove the lower timing
belt cover and to finally get to the water pump.any tips or short cuts or
secrets would greatly appriecieted.

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