How to Change the Oil on a 2002 Isuzu Rodeo V6 3.2

How to Change the Oil on a 2002 Isuzu Rodeo V6 3.2


Shane Nelson says:

lol your welcome

Bamaboompa says:

My son has an ’02 Rodeo, maybe a bad starter and needs service. What this
video shows is that it’s worth going to Goodyear for the $19.95 oil change
special. THANKS!

jmule swartz says:

awesome vid….i have this vehicle (2001 lse) Same size sockets/wrenches
and everything! Couldn’t get the skid plate off however (went to autozone
to borrow tools and the 14′ wrench wouldn’t work and it seemed like i may
have been stripping the nuts) so i just took drained the oil, and then
removed oil filter and it just flowed from bottom holes of skid plate and I
placed the oil drain underneath the holes. Thanks for the upload man!

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