1999 Isuzu Rodeo 4 Cylinder 2.2 litre Fuel Pump LOW PRESSURE

1999 Isuzu Rodeo 4 Cylinder 2.2 litre Fuel Pump LOW PRESSURE




RasterHacker says:

Dude my trucks doing the same, Same lump in it as the Isuzu. Plz tell me if
you sorted this. I am haveing so menny problems thrying to find out what it
is. Regards.

trainlinezoo says:

Oh yeah – AND EVERYone should be replacing their radiator caps every two
years or so – they get old fast!

SPurtee56 says:

@c3b3rt Somehow it did for a short time of maybe 50 miles, but it went back
to the shop, and had a new fuel pump in which fixed it. I swear to God,
about 2 days later in the morning I had it parked in it’s normal spot, I
hear a bang and look outside and I see a truck flipped over and my Rodeo
was totaled.

c3b3rt says:

So the cat solved the problem. Seems you had an additional electrical
problem that kills the fuel pump. What was the actual part number of the
cat and where did you buy it from?

jtreign9097 says:

same thing happened to my 95 galant…but it was my fuel pump….all i did
now and then was whack the shit out of the gas tank with a mini
sledghammer…problem solved but it shit the bed eventually

Mauricio Fernandez says:

@DRich389 Its ery easy, turn on your car and put the 5 gear, take the
clutch out, if the motor don’t stop its time to change it!! BUT PLEASE

joewise2008 says:

looks like a similar engine to the opel motors x20xev and c22sel. They are
known for problems. Did you figure out what was wrong in the end?

BucketOfJunk says:

mine idles very badly one time the check engine tun offed ran it for 3
hours when i start it again it starts shaking on idle again but this time
it shakes very violently lost and alot of power, i really need help

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trainlinezoo says:

from 1:57 until 2:48 was totally unnecessary.

SPurtee56 says:

Make sure your Fuel Filter isn’t clogged. On this one the problem was the
Fuel Pump, so we had to buy another one. The fuel filter got clogged so
much it blew out the fuel pump, and it was reallllyyy loud. The new one was
extremely quiet,and that fixed it. This truck got totaled about 3 weeks
ago, so I guess I won’t have any more problems with it.

DeWayne Richardson says:

i got the same exact car!!! but mine is have 2 problems…. a fuse keeps
blowing (100A volt)…. AND my clutch keeps going in and out like its
bearing in gear…. i have the gas all the way down and i would be going
like 10 mph til i can get a good speed… everyone kept tellin me i need a
new clutch but the one old school mechanic look at it for like 5 mins and
said i had bubbles in the clutch fluid line.. but i havnt got around to
going to get it drained and refilled…. what you think??

RasterHacker says:

and will take some time and love. But as you know ther grate trucks. Allso
get some bull bars to help protect you next time 😛

c3b3rt says:

Any update? Did the cat work?

trainlinezoo says:

@DRich389 You might want to get yourself a grounding kit and a voltage
stablizer. Dont go cheap – spend the money (amazon.com). your blown fuse
problem may go away if its a spike issue and your throttle response and top
end power will greatly improve. Also – a cold Air Intake makes more sense
than that airbox.But thats just my opinion.

RasterHacker says:

Thanks for reply, Ya I seen the vid of the truck. Its not bad. that can be
repaird. If like me you love your truck you will bring her back to life. Go
to the scrap yard and take frunt end wing, bumper, axle and maybe the frunt
gearbox if broke on yours. Get it so it can move, then get a chain and put
round a post and put truck in 4×4 and bend her back in to shape, Re-weld
any of the frunt that needs doing and slap rest of the parts on. Shuld not
cost much for them bits at a scrap yard.

BucketOfJunk says:

someone please read my comment and respond to it

SPurtee56 says:

@DRich389 If your clutch is bad, when your releasing the clutch pedal it
goes a long way. I just got a new clutch put in my new truck with is a 2003
S10, same size engine. it was $600 bucks with everything. Another way to
tell if the clutch is bad is if your getting going and the RPMs are jumping
up and down when u give it gas. I have blown a lot of fuses, and the first
thing I check with that is a proper ground. It is possible that your clutch
needs to be bled.

SPurtee56 says:

@c3b3rt I bought it from Amazon(dot)com , I can’t tell you the exact part
number as it was so long ago, but it was a MagnoFlow HighFlow Catalytic
Converter I got for about 80 bucks.

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