Skyline 370GT Infiniti G37 Android Touchscreen

Skyline 370GT Infiniti G37 Android Touchscreen


nuero82 says:

I think this uses a thing called Mimicsx2, which basically allows you to
wire up a external touch screen to a android phone. Problem is the guy who
came up with it ended up ripping a lot of people off and is like a year
late on all deliveries.

bengoodfellow says:

i read your comment on mp3car. i am waiting for my mimics and i am
wondering how you have this working when the app isnt available on the play

ali vann says:

Need more on tjis . Where dead fish out of water here

ficodecko says:

i want a carwings button in my skyline 🙁 i just wana fly!!!!!!!

PrimeMP83 says:

can you please tell us how did you manage to do this? and using what parts?
btw it looks awesome!!

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