G37 Midnight Grille Removal & Installation Guide

G37 Midnight Grille Removal & Installation Guide

A how to install guide for the G37 (V36) Sedan midnight grille.



mahesh chigurupati says:

god awful video. you guys couldn’t wait to do it during the day? or in the
well lit garage? lol

hfsinc01 says:

can’t see shit bruh 

nismo jdmlyfe says:

Bitch ass shit I csnt see shit. Fuk this shit im out

Frank Murphy says:

Please resubmit shot at noon…

sma013 says:

Wouldve been better during daylight

weird1995 says:

Just cuz its a midnight grill u don’t hav to do it at night

CornFedEvo8 says:

Worse fucking video EVER

0SpyderScope says:

Is it the same thing on a coupe version?

brownmamba08 says:

Too much work might as well paint it.

Danial Abbas says:

1). Video in daytime or with light 2). Smoke less dope before making
instructional videos

Wamii Yamii says:

Great explanation just bad lighting but really helpful.

WatermelonWizards says:

Spencer approves. Also… easy install is easy. HEY CHRIS, Time to do some
real work on your car son. 😛

Ryoichi Hasegawa says:

Can’t see shit…..

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