Fixing My Mom’s Prius: Dented Front Bumper

Fixing My Mom’s Prius: Dented Front Bumper

I fix a dent in my mom’s car that was caused by another vehicle backing up into it. In doing this we saved around $650. Total time: 18-20 minutes.



supremewhip says:

What a pussy.

Brad W says:

Next time try taking the tire off. Might help a little. 

hhannapel says:

For all you dented commenters below, I’m impressed! It works! Thanks to
finagle29 for the cleverness.

Walter White says:

saved around 650? what the fuck planet are you from?

Tommy T says:

Lmao looks like shit 

Daniel Fishkin says:

what’s that white container inside there?

Woghole says:

Dont no if you had been drinking or smoking or what maybe both the way you
talked and discribed this but just take the bumper off and do it properly.

xxrahul2xx says:

Thank you so much! !! I had the same problem and it fixed so easily. 

jzy0104 says:

Prius…Recycle it and save the planet.

cogenman says:

good job guys. i used your video to help get my dent out. thanks.

Brian Lee says:

Could’ve used dry ice as well!

sneakyfe says:

Try a plunger.

skorpyonayts1169 says:

good job. mom will not know the difference. hopefully she won’t notice the
unusually high electric bill.

Jimmy Neutron says:

“Sometimes when you’re driving in your blue Prius bad things happen.” Bad
things will always happen if you drive a Prius

Brian Lee says:

Could’ve used dry ice as well!

Templar Knights says:


Emanuele Lala says:

you guys r fucking genius 

Ken L says:

Did your mom ever find out you wrecked her Prius?

Jezzabell4 says:

Nicolas Cage called – he wants his hair dryer back

Ridz Man says:

can this method work on plastic bumper?..i need to fix it soon..pls rpl

SEan Strand says:

that looks like a great improvement,well done.

show1111yes2 says:

It would have been easier to spray liquid co2 after heating it.

Michael Clemons says:

omg thank you guy’s for this video. my brother in law hit a pole a few
weeks ago and he came home with a big ass dented in the car .so to before i
went food shopping today i took a hair dryer to the bumper and it work i
would like to say thank you so much it saved him $600 to $800 thank you

Juan Rojas says:

saved around $175 , thanks 

Daniel Cornette says:

Prius drivers are the worst

Larry198s says:

I was wondering do you know how too fix small pea size dent on downspout I
bump my lawn mower into it, and its my neighbor gutter downspout ?

THEREALtrappajohn says:

good job.

Keith Harrison says:

Personally I would have just drove it to a scrap yard and crushed it.

mahinda105 says:

Well done job mate, Do not get discourage by idiot loser’s comments. I will
follow your method to fix my bumper. Thanks again for nice video.

tokyo219 says:

Had a dent almost identical if not worse. Thanks to auto shop class I was
able to put car on the lift and access the back of the bumper by taking off
bottom panel. Used an actual heat gun and was able to push it out
perfectly. Only thing is I got it a little too hot and got some small
cracks in the paint. Still better than that big dent or the $1,500 body
shop wanted to replace the bumper.

bisexismorefun says:

hey tks, both of our cars have a problem just like you had

Suggestion – jack up the car, take off the tire, be sure to block up the
car so if the jack fails nothing bad happens.

Chris Gallagher says:

You guys are on the right track but if you wanted to fix it completely,
take off the bumper to get even more of the dent out with a heat gun. hair
dryers take to long. If you know how to use a heat gun you wont melt it.
you also could go as far as putting body filler in any little dents sand it
a re=shoot it with the color on your Toyota. Toyota will tell you exactly
what paint it it. and since you have the bumper off you can spray it with
the color you got from Toyota. you can get very good paint in a few spray
paint cans by ordering them from Toyota or the web or shoot it with a air
sprayer with a air compressor. let dry shoot it with a sealant put back on
bumper and it looks like new!!! still way less to have it replaced! and you
don’t have any noticeable dents in your car.

bob woodland jr says:

I’m impressed

June Starr says:

yo …I just did this & it worked!!! thank you so much!!

Thomas Cole says:

You saved $650? That’s more than that ugly piece of crap is worth

learflyer2 says:

It would have been easier to remove the wheel , then you would have more
room to open up the wheel well , and then take off the plastic wheel well
cover to get your arm in there to push out the dent after heating it up .

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