2000 Infiniti G20 P11 SR20DE Motor Mounts

2000 Infiniti G20 P11 SR20DE Motor Mounts

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.



Teve Mullins says:

Thanks for watching. The mounts are 14-504X2 Prothane Polyurethane Front &
Rear Motor Mount for: 1999-2002 Infiniti G20 1999-2002 Nissan Premera 11
You do get a little cabin vibration but its worth the extra pedal response.
I paid $67.49 for the pair on ebay from Auto Wearhouse. They were great!

Vladimir Curiel says:

are the new polyurethane bushings inserted into the housing of the old
mounts? the rubber from the old mounts just come out? and then you have the
new bushings pressed into place? where did you get the new bushings pressed?

Teve Mullins says:

Yes, the new bushings are pressed into the old mounts. I wouldn’t say the
just come out but they are pressed/cut out. I had access to a machine press
but your local machine shop my be able to help. Make sure to use plenty of
grease when pressing them in.

Jesse M says:

Nice vid, where did you purchase the G20 mounts? I’ve too got a 00′ G20t
and need to change the mounts. Thanks!

Vladimir Curiel says:

once you’ve removed the center member and the tranny is on the jack the
center member just drops when you remove the bolts that hold it in place?
from there you can remove both rear and front mounts?

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