How to Replace a CV Axle

How to Replace a CV Axle

Step by step guide on how to remove and replace a cv axle/joint on a front wheel drive vehicle.



DE Nichols says:

Couple of warnings to do it better than I did it, and also on how it’s done
in this video (I made the same mistakes). helped me find what
torque the strut bolts or cam bolts should be on my car. If the bolts are
17mm it says it needs to be 220 ft/lbs. Much higher than you’d expect?
Well, be sure to look it up. I had done about the same as the good man who
did this video and when I drove it in for an alignment if they hadn’t
checked it, I could have really gotten some serious damage. Things felt a
little loose and wrong…also, don’t put the axle on with the impact gun.
It will damage your wheel bearings. I just learned this today, and I have
to look up what it’s supposed to be torqued to and fix it tomorrow. I put
mine mostly on by impact gun and finished with 115 ft/lbs. My simple logic
was to do it harder than my lugs just because I was wrong about the strut
mounts….I’ll look it up so if anyone’s looking you at least know what
mine should be.

darkk flux says:

great video! lots of good info :)

John Attard says:


Parsec994a says:

You’re missing the party at 1:13!

Kelvin Hadley says:


Danuka Ramanayake says:

Yes Good Instruction.

Hayden Morrell says:

Any easier ways to replace a broken front cv joint for a 1992 ford laser

John Young says:

Im sure this task could have been performed without removing the cv shaft.

Dan C says:

Great Instructions ! !. This will help me determine if I decide to replace
this myself and save a considerable amount of money.

Sergio Paul says:

So is normal if start leaking the transmission oil?

steve nor says:

Thanks this video has shown me its possible for me to do it myself.

testbooster says:

what size impact wrench were you using to take off the tire 3/8 or 1/2?

DE Nichols says:

Okay, I’m really good at getting to the axle, but I can’t speak for my
actual axle replacement ability as my toyota (chevy prizm to the dmv, lol)
has pressed in axles and I don’t own a press. However, I have watched a lot
of these and this one is quite good. I’d just recommend that whatever side
of the car you’re working on to turn the wheel some in the opposite
direction. So, if you’re working on the left side turn the wheel to the
right, it makes it so you have less work get get the spindle out from
inside it’s home through the wheel bearing. I got that tip and wish I had
done it by briansmobile1.

Parsec994a says:

Thanks for the video buddy!

MrElvebow says:

u only needed to take of bottom arm and track rod end

RatchetsAnd Wrenches says:

I am really not sure, I think I will try and take a closer look at the
transmission mount and also see if I can get an alignment in the next few
days and go from there. Have a feeling the old lady that owned this had a
few fights with the curbs and what not lol

stuzman52 says:

Yes, good step-by-step. What do you think might be the problem at this

acidspeedzero says:

Not doing it for this car but it helped me decide wether I want to do this
myself or take it in.

RatchetsAnd Wrenches says:

I ended up replacing the cv axle and it solved the shaking problem, now I
dont know if it was because the weight wasnt put on there properly or if
the loose weight had damaged the axle but funny enough the new cv joint
didnt have one…just glad I dont have to drive through and earthquake
everytime I do

spelunkerd says:

That’s a good step by step description. I’m interested in how the
counterweights shifted. Presumably they have offcenter weights, and it must
have been hard to reposition it at the right axial angle. Did the problem
go away after securing the weights? Did you ever get the torque spec for
the axle nut? Some of those have very narrow tolerance, and others not.

RatchetsAnd Wrenches says:

Unfortunately the problem is still there, I dont think you can see it in
the video but when you move the weight around its fairly obvious where it
needs to be secured…oh and the torque spec for the axle nut is 170
ft/lbs. Tx for your comment and thanks for watching.

RatchetsAnd Wrenches says:

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