How to Diagnose and Replace a Motor Mount

How to Diagnose and Replace a Motor Mount

Here is a how to on diagnosing and replacing a bad motor mount on a 2006 Hyundai Elantra.



1skylinedreamz says:

isn’t it best to replace all the motor mounts when one is failing???

Kevin Lagunas says:

Good job! You didn’t show us if it fixed the vibration?

Jason Sanders says:

Good video!

Anglynn74 says:

Can a bad motor mount cause your car to shake at high speeds-65 mph or
more? I was having shaking at highways speeds & the mechanic told me my
right front motor mount was busted & claimed this was causing all the
shaking. I thought maybe it had something to do with the tires but not
sure. It’s an automatic 04 Toyota Highlander 120k miles but shifting seems
normal. I feel the shaking and vibration in the seat only & not in the
steering wheel. Alignment seems fine I can let go of the wheel & the car
drives straight. 

RatchetsAnd Wrenches says:

Cleaned them as best I could without a wire wheel, there is threadlock on
them you cant see it in the video. cheers

Dohn Joe says:

you said you’ll clean the bolts for old threadlock traces and apply new
one. you didn’t.

greatgambino says:


ipadilla0ap says:

Good job thumbs up.

Typey1 says:

Informative, thanks

husker1872001 says:

Excellent work!

Michael Block says:

Umm …basically ..ahhh..

RatchetsAnd Wrenches says:

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