exLEDusa Hyundai Elantra MD Rear Bumper LED Reflector

exLEDusa Hyundai Elantra MD Rear Bumper LED Reflector

exLEDusa LED rear bumper reflector module with OEM reflector housing. BGM – Swagga (Datsik’s Trap VIP) 2.



palominomike777 says:

Can you make a video on how to install?

robagama559 says:

Wow that what I’m talking about:).. Would look good on my car:p

exLEDusa says:

This is direct replacement part, thank you

exLEDusa says:

HOWTO install exLED R5 reflector to Veloster
exLED Custom Rear Bumper Reflector LED Lights Kit
Please search these on the Youtube. The links don’t working.

exLEDusa says:

Please take watch this video, thank you so much.

donnynewett says:

How do they stay in place against bumper?

kudopark says:

can u make a video on how to install this product?

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