DYI Alternator removal 2001 Hyundai Accent Part 1

DYI Alternator removal 2001  Hyundai Accent Part 1

Larry attempts to remove alternator.



Michael L'Heureux says:

Funny how much extra junk is in the way from the 2000 GSI model, and the
2001. The one I’m looking at has tons of room to get at everything,
Although I have deep sockets, extensions, angel adapters 😛 all dem
goooodies. lol

wayne linnear says:

It is easier if you take the coolant fan ouy. You don’t have to get
underneath it. All bolts and removal of the alternator from the top.

reemer911 says:

same method as a 1999 model right ?

351cleavland says:

Is the available space tight in that car? Will an extension fit? Have your
done this job yourself? If so, how does your comment help? Do people make
snarky comments to you when you post videos? What would you imagine the
effect of your comment of the receiver? What do believe the video poster is
expressing in their inability to get the alternator out? Why am I asking
these question? I wonder if you have asked them of yourself. Do people talk
to you like that? how does it affect you?

goldeneye4564 says:

it is possible to get it out, but it was not fun for me when I took mine
out lol.

Zane Billings says:

um haven’t you ever heard of a ratchet extension go buy one

Randy, The Lazy Comic says:

I have to change my alternator on my 1999 Hyundai Elantra. I got the new
alternator yesterday… and after watching this video, I’m asking myself…
WTF? I hate how they cram everything under the hood these days. I hate to
sound like an old timer, but I remember when doing an alternator wasn’t a
big deal. It was on top of the engine… NOT ON THE BOTTOM. Progress?
Sometimes… I question that.

copenhagenhero76 says:

Thank god you made this video me and my friend were getting pissed off on
how to do this.

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