#DIY – Starter Replacment – 08 Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7L v6

#DIY – Starter Replacment – 08 Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7L v6

Here I show how I replace a Starter on a 2008 Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7L V6 with a manual transmission – Do It Yourself!



rvborgh says:

nice video. it looks like your brake switch needs to be replaced though 🙂 That's probably why the ESC OFF light is on 🙂

Clobber Snoggin says:

thanks for video it really helped me !!

Rovert Robert says:

the heavy gauge wire that joins the two housings on mine is very corroded and brittle. after driving home one day i pulled into drive quickly , into park, ran in house then immediately back out to drive again. car would not start. how badly corroded can that wire be before it wont send power to start?

Justin B says:

Thank you sir! Was hoping would be this easy. Unbelievably helpful to have these details going in.

Robyn Bainkz says:

thank u maaaaaaaaan u just dont know how much i appreciate this video.u saved me the amount of my light and water bill combined. wish u coulda seen the looks on my neighbors faces, "like what thee hell she doin?"

jakub rojek says:

What were the symptoms? I’m trying to rule out that it’s not alternator, but so far I get 13.6V reading on a battery w/everything turned on and 0.05-6V when touching alternator case with a negative. I am leaning towards the starter problem, but am not a mechanic…

DavieBhoy says:

Nice video thx

Eric says:

easy squeezy

Myles Black says:

What were the symptoms that your starter needed to be replaced?

Scotty Jett says:

It looks simple.

BootyCheese says:

Did you wind up needing to take the battery out of the car to reach that top bolt??! that thing seems impossible to reach with a regular ratchet!

John M says:

Looks like the camera changes angle several times so by 47 seconds or so I have no idea what I am looking at or where I am in the engine.

Думай своей головой says:

И мне помог. Спасибо.

Skylar Mchenry says:

Thanks for the video. You park that thing in the ocean? #rustbucket

Brandon Manuel says:

Thank you so much, you just help save me like $500.

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