The Bigger Hammer Fixing Bent Steel Rims on Neighbors Car

The Bigger Hammer Fixing Bent Steel Rims on Neighbors Car

The Bigger Hammer actual is going to fix something!!! What is today? Opposite day? Fixing Bent Steel Rims on Neighbors Car! ALSO, Check out…



Michael Stibbe says:

He sounds like Tommy Lee Jones in the first half of the vid ,…. Use a rag
for the gook– she has to do wash and ya don`t want that in the machine — 

Rich Morm says:

Damn u must of had a hard time digging her up. It’s cool tho. Guess u are
in to nailing dead chicks. Haha

furyiiiplate says:

Thanks… daughter got a slow leak after nailing and tree stump and large
rock…had blown tire off seal but tow guy filled it up and got her one
way… small bend in the lip… was hoping I didn’t need to remove tire
from rim and use torch… Big Hammer is all I really need… Thanks Again.
Keep doing whacha do.

03MYRAUDERV8 says:


Rich Morm says:

I wouldn’t mind nailing the lady with my hammer! Sexy 

anthony yang says:

Brake dust contains asbestos, yes still being used to this day by many car
parts manufacterers, have a fan blow the dust away from you, or keep the
rim wet. Thanks for the video

VideoClipVato818 says:

that dude is cool, and that mc hammer singing reminded me when my kids were
that little. 

Paul Knotts says:

See a lot of vacumes in background…common item to scavenge…save that
cord and motor…adds up. Like a change jar eh. 

UnitedTokers says:

yeah you have to treat your neighbors as family. one day you will need them
and they will be happy to help in any way they can. like tomorrow I will be
replacing the pressure regulator switch on my neighbor’s water well pump.
won’t be charging him a dime for the job either. Great job there Kenny.
Good work!!

Scrapperella says:

@thisisunreal1 LMAO – Yeah I have seen Kenny have a lot of fun fixing
things and many times things can be a pain!! Thanks for sharing!

Lord Blazer says:

has kenny ever thought about quit smoking?

Shtoops27 says:

my solution chuck it and get a new one for 30 bucks instead of putting 70g
of stick on weights on one side

ExplosivePotential says:

@ebarnes419 LOL – no we are drug free… Kenny just likes his beer

Scrapperella says:

@stangkid2 LOL

Begbucks says:

@KennyChumsky The Cumsky’s save the day!

iveseenbigfoot says:

Life Rule #1) Everything can be fixed with a hammer.

TheEddieValen says:

The bigger hammer ALWAYS works. Season 2 Kenny fixes stuff? Keep up the
good work. You know I love it all!

ebarnes419 says:

you 2 smoke weed, right?

Ivan Rossinskiy says:

such a fix can be just temporary. u need to take your rim to professional
shop to fix it right!!! in most cases it cheaper to get new rim. due to
such a big band i can tell how whole rim got bend u can NOT fix it with a
hammer !!!! that tire will be impassible to balance witch gonna cost
shack-nest and damaging suspension !!!!

thisisunreal1 says:

Man, I can’t count on how many times I’ve done that but, never used
caulking. When I have it, I use regular bead seal or just use some dish
soap, make sure it’s all clean. they usually always seal. Once did that
treatment to a cast rim (with some heat). What a pain in the arse!

Xouki Long says:

… i like yo styyyle

Begbucks says:

HaHa the best yet!, but I’d opt for vulcanizing rim cement (or bike patch
glue but the butyl caulk also works… usually 😉 Hope that ceiling leak is
not recent? Did that happen to you btw?

Scrapperella says:

@KennyChumsky shairing = sharing – LMAO

believe2113 says:

Yes we get our blessings from God! Thank You! 🙂

Scrapperella says:

@Begbucks That again was our next door neighbor!!! About a year ago. We
temporarily fixed that until the landlord called a plumber out… =)

Scrapperella says:

@UnitedTokers Great to hear that more people share our view point… This
world seems to have a lot of selfish people in it =) Thanks for shairing!!

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