Rear Brake Shoe and Wheel Cylinder Replacement 1999-2005 Ford Focus

Rear Brake Shoe and Wheel Cylinder Replacement 1999-2005 Ford Focus

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David Dehority says:

The factory service manual says: The wheel hub retaining nut can be re-used
four times, mark the wheel hub retaining nut. First, tighten hub nut to
26lbs. then, rotate the brake drum 10 times in the opposite direction while
tightening the wheel hub retaining nut to 173lbs. To prevent damage to the

n2pdq says:

The only thing you missed, is to clean the 6 points on the backing plate
where the brake pads contact, and to add lithium grease, to those 6 points,
so the pads don’t bind up.

Ae Leilua says:

Use stub nose pliers when removing the shoe retaining clips…less likely
to slip ; )

Clint Juarez Balzan says:

Thanks for the video, it really helped but got one question…. When
bleeding the brakes, should the brake pedal stay down while locking the
bleed nipple?

Kayte Childers says:

So if my rear cylinder is leaking this would be the job i would need done?
I can do it myself but what are those specific tools that you used?

Rondo McBower says:

I dont really like the idea of using side cutters on the springs. IMO vise
grips work good enough. Maybe if they are very dull side cutters and they
dont damage the spring wire any?

Curiosity says:

“Make sure the the nut is tight?!?” Main bearing nut… to 173 foot
pounds… or check for specs… It’s important… 

mariusen says:

Thanks for a great video!
I have a ford focus 2001 model where Im thinking the rear drum is grinding
when breaking. Its not a very high sound, but sounds like metal vs metal.
Do you think changing the brekshoe will help?

evilma66ot says:

This video really helped me out, great work explaining everything up

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