How To Fix/Restore Faded Car Trim, Bumpers and Plastics (DIY) – Cheap-Fast-Nice-Quick

How To Fix/Restore Faded Car Trim, Bumpers and Plastics (DIY) – Cheap-Fast-Nice-Quick

Fix your faded and greyed out car trim & bumpers at home without a heat gun or special bumper products that don’t work. This will last years and the results …




Can i ask how it looks now after over 6 months later? 

TheNativeMami says:

Nice way to scratch ur hood.

Trevor LaMont says:

Looks good besides the fact that you got overspray on the finish

Ronald Colorado says:

When you say only pure carnauba wax do u mean the mothers pure carnauba or
literally 100% pure carnauba wax? Because mothers is only 1-2% carnauba wax
and the rest is other ingredients. I wouldn’t use mother’s wax if you want
long protection. I would use professional grade sealant or wax that lasts
months. The wax you’re using it’s only going to protect the trim for a

90TegTurbo says:

2900psi would cut plastic/rubber in half,it was on fan spray so not even
close to 300psi really,not bad job,i would’ve scuffed it lightly with a
green pad to get some oxidation off and put a little something for the
paint to grab onto better.Looks good for now.

digitalPimple says:

Not my hood and the car is old. Not a show car.

Thomas Hussey says:

Just get “Eagle One Trim Protector gel” that stuff works wonders and lasts
a really long time!

ladyowned says:

Looks good.

digitalPimple says:

Tried it. It’s garbage. This is permanent.

digitalPimple says:

You’re right! The carnauba I’m using is not surfboard raw but the important
thing is using a strong paste wax before washing and waxing as normal. Your
normal waxing/washing should keep it sealed as it builds up. I found that
the direct paste always works the best and carnauba, or at least a carnauba
based wax, works every-time. I have tried different waxes but since the
flat paint does not have a seal coat the others cause some blotchy-ness.

Ernesto Segovia says:

Great, but yo u need better taping skills its clear theoughout tje video to
oversprayed into the door just next to Cherokee sign, and you did not got
back to clean that even with the water

digitalPimple says:

Yes. Ever try spraying paint while holding a camera? LOL I went out with
some rubbing compound and took it off tonight.

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