Diagnose Replace Throttle Body Service Stab Sys Traction Failed Reduced Power Hummer H3 Code P2135

Diagnose Replace Throttle Body Service Stab Sys Traction Failed Reduced Power Hummer H3 Code P2135

This video will show you how to diagnose and replace a faulty throttle position sensor on a 2006 Hummer H3 3.5 engine. The procedure is almost exactly the same for any inline GM engine: 4cyl, 5cyl, 6cyl etc. These engines are found in various model trucks, SUVs and GM cars.


I had to replace the throttle body on my 2006 Hummer H3 today so I made a quick video. It was showing on the display “Service Stab Sys Traction Failed – Reduced Power” message. The “Reduced Power” part was very noticeable.

This usually happens when your vehicle has a code P2135 registered, if you’ve got a “Service Stab Sys Traction Failed – Reduced Power” message on your display, there are only a few reasons your vehicle will have a P2135 Code and the “Stab Sys Failed” message. The most likely is the throttle body, which I’m replacing here. The other possible reasons for a P2135 Service Stab Sys Failed Reduced Power message are limited to the accelerator pedal position sensor, (which you’ll have to replace the entire pedal but it’s easy too) OR, you have a wiring harness/connector issue. GM sent out a bulletin about dirty connectors a few years ago. Some of these P2135 codes could be corrected by removing the wiring harness connector from each component, cleaning inside the connectors with a few sprays of tuner cleaner or electronic cleaner and it’s recommended to use a dielectric grease in the connector before plugging the part in. (I don’t do the grease personally as it can attract and trap moisture and cause new issues.) If you’re doing the throttle position sensor/throttle body, it’s an easy task that can be done by anyone in about 20 minutes, here’s the proof. Even those that are not “mechanically inclined” can perform this task easily with just a few basic tools. Luckily, it’s also the exact same procedure for Trailblazers and most other GM inline engines found in their line of SUVs, 4cyl, 5cyl, 6cyl, 8cyl, doesn’t matter, it’s mostly the same on all GM throttle bodies. I apologize for the traffic noise in the background, poor audio and my never ending sniffles (allergies were killing me) Thanks for watching and if this video helped you any, why don’t you consider smashing the thumbs up button and throw a comment and a subscribe my way to help others find me in the search engine. Thanks, Chris

Battery Quick Disconnect I Use Comes in a 2 pack https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08SVRX678?ie=UTF8&psc=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=kentuckyfried-20&linkId=c20f6e20821e1a5ec1937bea8ed9bcd6&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl

ACTRON CP9125 Scan Tool : https://www.amazon.com/Actron-CP9125-PocketScan-Reader-Vehicles/dp/B0007LEG2K?crid=3M0G4KM114UV2&keywords=actron+cp9125&qid=1657888229&sprefix=actron+cp9125%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-1&linkCode=ll1&tag=kentuckyfried-20&linkId=5251a4e306a424237c4459b0c99d3018&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl

Dorman Throttle Body 2006 Hummer H3 and others: https://www.amazon.com/Dorman-977-017-Throttle-Assembly-Select/dp/B082P6PHVT?crid=2MWBT5RP9W5DU&keywords=2006+hummer+h3+throttle+body&qid=1653649814&replacementKeywords=throttle+body&sprefix=2006+hummer+h3+throttle+body%2Caps%2C68&sr=8-5&vehicle=2006-93-2805————&vehicleName=2006+Hummer+H3&linkCode=ll1&tag=kentuckyfried-20&linkId=b961368f22f3d4959cefc3c622d83586&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl

Just make sure you get the Lifetime Warranty parts in case it happens again down the road at least your replacement parts won’t cost you if there’s a 2nd time around.



Jerry Denney says:

Dam I wish mine was that clean looking, with its measly 65000 miles on it..lol

Gannon Phillips says:

Hey man I’m hoping you get back with me I’m having similar issues I go out to my 2008 h3 and my battery light comes on with the sys light traction light on saying it’s failed and my 4 high 4 low and neutral light will on start blinking and when I go to drive it my whole hummer will jerk real bad could this be the throttle body? My engine light is not on. Buddy said it’s the PCM but I’m hoping it’s not because that’s a expensive fix

Blue Steel says:

Thank you for sharing, great video for us diy guys..

Ticci_Toby101 says:

Thank you so much for doing this video – so easy to follow and take apart and do.

Darcy Harrington says:

Good shyt!!! Thank you for this video sir.

Oh yea make more as you go. H3 videos are hard to come by like this .we need this content.

Rob Mitchell says:

Great video! Thank you very much for taking the time to do this. I am having the same issue. When I spray electronic component cooler on the ECM the problem immediately goes away. I replaced the ECM and still having the issue intermittently. My next step was to replace the throttle body. What do you think?

J Thomas says:

Gotta tell you how relieved I am to see yours @ 340k , just hit 250k on mine and really enjoy driving it. Any major things to look out for on the way to 340? Just did all my bushings, alternator, coils, plugs,belt, valve cover gasket and fluids. Runs smoother than new. Keep the videos coming !

Mike Barlow says:

Thank you so much for this video!!! Freaked out when i saw the “reduced power” message. Your video will make changing this easy!!!

Joker says:

Do you need to reprogram it after replacing it

Elvin Like says:

I changed the floor throttle pedal that solved it

Hector Andujo says:

You need a new fan shroud , keeps engine cooler

Jason R says:

I have too do mine soon, I cleaned it the first time this happened, it worked but it does come back after a while, few months later it’s slowly starting to act the same as it did prior to getting this code

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