How To Replace honda ATC200S Wheel Bearings

How To Replace honda ATC200S Wheel Bearings

And its pretty much the same for a bunch of other models. ATC 110, 125m, 90, 70, 185, 185S, 200, 200E, 200M and the 83-85 200X is pretty much the same too. K…



oldfrogdivin says:

Excellent video Tom thanks for that im getting ready to tackle mine!

tommartyn says:

It got rolled down a pretty crazy hill one time, barrel roll style. Mike
got sucked down a bad rut, and bailed, and grabbed a tree, the trike went
down hard. Thats probably when it happened. Still rode back and romped alot
longer though 🙂

tommartyn says:

mr cycles website. They’ve got a parts break down through diagrams. Real
easy to find and buy the parts you need. Cool stuff 🙂

tommartyn says:

Yeah, i over paid. You should be able to get the set, 2 bearings, and 2
seals for near 10-15 bucks shipped. Which i think is perfectly cheap. For
how much better it will make the trike, when they need them. So worth the
money. Money well spent 🙂

paperweightgirl says:

It’s great to know how to do that, in case Marcel needs help. lol

tommartyn says:

Good thinking man, i’ll have to keep that in mind. I’d probably just use my
body, i don’t think a brick under the balloon tire is going to keep a
wrench from turning the axle 🙂

OTAlucard says:

Where do you get the dust seal for the brake drum cover

tommartyn says:

Thanks, yeah, that thing comes in handy

tommartyn says:

Hey man. Yeah, sometime in the hopefully near future i’ll try to do a video
on making a corded cordless drill. I’m not taking that one apart, because
it works great, and i don’t want to mess with it. But i could make another

tommartyn says:

Thanks man! Always glad to have some more ideas. Though, any of the ones
ive really had problems with, i really don’t think that would do anything
at all. The rust is as strong as a huge nut usually. And driving it around
isn’t going to put much of any serious tension on that to brake it free.
Because its a left and right thing. and really, there just isn’t THAT much
force left and right when you are riding. not as much as a hammer can make

tommartyn says:

hahah, its really great having a battery that never dies isn’t it?

Greg Cooney says:

“shut up wood frog!” hahahahahaha

tommartyn says:

Thanks man!

Mattssalvage says:

I rigged my drill like that lol


I found leaving the Brake drain bolt off so water can drain freely out.
Good shit Tom!

James Eggerth says:

Nice job!!

Zacks Farm says:

i dont think those bearing are that cheap though, i have the same type on
my 200s and they still roll great

caddyman110 says:

Just put a brick or something behind the tire so it cant roll

tommartyn says:

hahah, yeah. Really helps out those bearings to give them a head start with
the extra grease.

Mattssalvage says:

yes it is until the cord gets in the way or is not long enough lol but it
is a lot better than the junk batteries that come with it that only last 20

mdftrasher says:

I have 2 of those long wire electric drill’s extreme handy! 🙂 Got them
both for free, because of the battery’s failing.

OffRoadADDICT says:

duuude no way…that’s fucked up…..either way good tutorial

tommartyn says:

Thanks! Next video about drews 200s is going to show that it turned out to
be a broken frame, the bearings weren’t really too bad.

angus mccutcheon says:

Can u plez do a vid of the drill

tommartyn says:

haha, awesome man 🙂 Yeah, they work so damn good, and free 🙂

tommartyn says:

Yeah, he was competing for camera time. Trying to get his mating call viral
on youtube.

tommartyn says:

Yeah… His is different though. He’s always got to be different 🙂 I’ll
have to make one on his type next! 🙂

2jeffs1 says:

Really liked your pull the seals & add more grease to the bearings idea for
those of us who might use the vehicles a tad above & beyond! Was wondering
what the racket was at the vid start. Damn W Frogs :>)

SuperDaveVideos says:

next time if you ever get a brake drum that is rusted on, that the nuts off
and run it until it come loose. works great

tommartyn says:

Nice man! that is seriously a good idea, because the main problem is that,
water will get in, but it really doesn’t get out to quick. I might start
trying that out 🙂

caddyman110 says:

i break the two axle nuts loose when the tires are still on so i dont need
the pipe wrench action.

OffRoadADDICT says:

nice work man

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