How to Replace Door Checkers on Honda

How to Replace Door Checkers on Honda

Here’s the gear wrenches on Amazon, though any 10mm wrench will work …



Eric Borders says:

Once again am I thumbs upping brains video or D6Spanky. Yall are going to
have to stop confusing me today.

Dick Fageroni says:

finally, another spanky video!

btw, is it true that her last name is mcbottoms?

metvaddict says:

Awesome video 🙂 What impact gun do you use?

drvnucrzy says:

Good video. Never knew that was what kept the doors from swinging loosely.
On another note should you lubricate those arms, or no?

Nick Wilson says:

150 views in an hour! Nice 🙂 The Spanky collaborations are awesome,
guys. Another great video.

Mista B says:

Dang she’s cute….

codymon100 says:

Good seeimg Spanky she so cuteand awesome.

Joe Milner says:

Spanky, that’s a great smile! 

sixtyfiveford says:

Kayaking the gutters… Awesome. Nice Hoyt gear also.

ATCS300 says:

Where do you live?.. i wished it rained in California lol :/ 

1954BJohn says:

Another cool ending Brian!

MrJohnjake says:

the panel knife link goes to the wrenches

LCCharlie says:

Brian, great to see you with your daughter creating memories in such a
novel way. Too bad more kids aren’t taken from their computers and TVs to
experience life first person; after all, we’re all only here for a short

Cutlerylover4life1 says:

this is the best automotive channel on youtube!!……keep up the good

מיכאל טורגוביצקי says:

Hi Brian.
First two links in the description are the same.
Can You post link to recommended panel knives?
Thanks in advance.

D6Spanky says:

I heard about the kayaking! I call dibs on the next storm! 😀 That video
was fun. Let’s do another one! 

Olivier Pirard says:

As you said, at this point, rear mirors on your kayak are more usefull than
live jackets;)

rhkips says:

Aah Honda, you make things so easy and accessible~

Haha, that clip at the end is awesome!! We don’t get weather down here in
Southern California… Any houses for sale in your neighborhood? >:D

BlueRidgeMarine says:

Sweet excellent ending!

trollaphobic says:

I prefer my door to close itself. My last car did that. The final catch was
solid but if i didnt open it all the way i could exit my car and walk away
while my door fully closed itself (i was also wearing sunglasses and there
were explosions in the background)

Paul M says:

Brian, another great video. Man if you were my neighbor you’d never run out
of beer!

vanox Naser says:

hahahah I like the last 3 minutes :)

Anis Elghadi says:

NEFR : near side front right , ( near side is the nearest to the side walk
Offside etc * my own opinion 

AntiD2 says:

12:27 diggin those toe nails brian lol, and yeah i work at a subaru
dealer, our door panels are almost identical as far as removal to these,
they make things so much easier 

619DioFan says:

Nice. Extreme close ups of spanky are always welcomed.

ChromeGunner86 says:

Nice painted toe nails Brian lol :P

s0nnyburnett says:

New civics and accords are some real junk compared to the old 90’s ones.
Keep seeing lots of small stupid quality problems that I would expect from

Ve g says:

cool video. did the stock ones wear out or something? amazing how Germans
have been doing this for nearly 40 years or maybe more! my 80s 3 series
with nearly 300k miles still has hardcore German door stops. they are
extremely aggressive even 25 years later.

also those expanding clips… those are very German. something the Germans
have been doing for decades. looks like Honda has caught onto some things. 

Martin Kopetski says:

Tumbs up! One more great video from your team.

RobsPackanShine says:

nice fix….what a cool ending

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