How to – Install Hunter Brush Guard (Honda Element)

How to – Install Hunter Brush Guard (Honda Element)

This is a video to help others install a Hunter Brush Guard on a Honda Element. This whole install took about 30-45 minutes and is extremely easy. PM me with…



Jacob Gunner says:

This video should not exist. Brush guard on a element?
………………………… No………………… just No.

nick221899 says:

u should have painted all ur silver bolts black

Cole Gentry says:

Thanks!! Yeah I think it was just the weird angle I was taking the video
from cause I went and checked this morning and it seems straight to me. Are
the bolts on yours rusting at all? cause mine started like the day after i
installed it. I may clear the rust then paint them.

LucasLand says:

regarding the plastic cover down below, did you need to cut the openings
that big? What is the best way to figure exactly where you need to cut?
have you ever been stopped by a cop and questioned about the grill. I’ve
read in some forums that cops say theyre illegal cause it blocks the view
of the blinkers

Cole Gentry says:

@WhiskeyTangoFuck thanks man!

Jorge Martinez says:

Paint the bolts flat black.

Cole Gentry says:

Because I like how it looks!!! 🙂

Cole Gentry says:

@WhiskeyTangoFuck thanks man!

melaniamable says:

Looks nice. I am installing one on my ’06 soon. A bit weary on the cutting
/ bolting part but I may have some help.

Cole Gentry says:

@nick221899 I actually just did that the other day. I painted with

clintons01 says:

@snarfert drive back and forth from one place to the other…and when
you want put stuff inside then drive somewhere else

freezerlunik says:

Looks pretty, but… won’t it make your radiator support more vulnerable to
every impact now? I suppose there is no real frame in an element to attach
to properly anyway?

snarfert says:

what’s the point on a honda element?

Cole Gentry says:

@praman0 I bought it on their ebay store called “Truck Gear Direct”.
However when I went to try and find you a link it appears they no longer
have a shop there now. So I am not sure where you can buy them now.

Anthony Santangelo says:

im getting it installed sometime this week

Anthony Santangelo says:

looks good but its crooked. i just got mine for my 04 ex awd

Prabhat Mahato says:

Where did you get your grush gaurds at? how much did u pay?

Cole Gentry says:

I think the illegal part depends on the state you live in. I never had a
problem when I had the car. It made it much easier to cut the wholes that
big. If you don’t it makes it much harder to bolt on. In the video I point
out where to cut. I think just taking a screenshot and trying to match it
on your car would be the easiest way. Hope that helps!

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