How to fix the ceiling (dome) light Honda civic 96-00

How to fix the ceiling (dome) light Honda civic 96-00

This goes over the remove and replace (and jimmy rig fix) procedure for the ceiling light in 96-2000 model Honda Civics. Click here to show thanks, and help …



visionary91 says:

replace the dimmer switch common problem with hondas 

danwat1234 says:

Mine was flickering and so I took it apart like that but instead of wedging somethin ign there I liftin up theose 3 contact points a bit and rubbed sand paper on both sides (the switch side and the ceiling of th 3 contacts) because mine looked like some corrosion had taken place from little bitsof arcing maybe, not sure. It works better now but the switch isn’t that tight since I didn’t wedge anything like u did so the light flickers sometimes. The incandescent iswaytoodim;useOznium 4-chip 16led

MexhomieXlll says:

help when i take the plastic case off its all empty like if something is missing in there:o wut do i do theres no where to place a bulb in.

Jose Perez says:

Ironically those china made cutters your using is one of the main reasons we are all broke ! LOL everything made in china

david white says:

No I have a 99 civic and have changed the deck twice, never affected the dome light.

Ej Abadesco says:

Hi HondaHowTo1, how do you remove the bulb on that type of dome light? My Honda City 2000 has exactly the same dome light and I’m trying to replace the OEM bulb with LED’s but the OEM bulb wont budge. Thanks

Ray Sir says:

my 00 Civic LX has the 31mm incandescent (has 2 ends) instead of the the single screw on… any ideas of the dimension inside the dome piece? I plan to install the 4-led SMD bulbs into it…so jw

Ray Sir says:

hey guy, do you know the model number on that lightbulb? I just want to replace it with an LED one

BJ Goldberg says:

mine works fine with new radio.

mat967 says:

Thank you, it really helped.

Veronica Raymond says:


Bilal Mehdi says:

Thanks alot bro

Joseph Parsaligan says:

oohhh my gosh you have the same car as i have and have the same problem with the ceiling light. thank you so much for the video i finally fixed it..

DaDudeGuyPerson says:


Fixbook says:

I’ll take note of it.

DaDudeGuyPerson says:

Could you to a video on how to repair the speedometer light? My dimmer doesnt work. and also when I turn on my headlights…my Radio light shuts off too..98 civic lx 4 door

Fixbook says:

I’ll keep that in mind thanks

hukelolley1212 says:

@HondaHowTo1 you should do a video on aligning doors on 96 model civics and removing headliners. Thanks

2H4D0WC0N says:

same but touch wood llol

Iamnasssty says:

my civic has an aftermarket deck and the light still works in AUTO mode!

ThaBrianLion says:

check my channel out i made a video about it and it works(:

Fixbook says:

If it came from the Honda owners manual then I’m sure it is true, and that would explain why mine doesn’t work for the door.

him240300 says:

I was reading through the Honda manual and it said if the stock cd/radio was replaced that the light, which would turn on when the door is open, would not work anymore…Any truth behind that?

mazzmari says:

You should have tested it before reinstalling.

Dave5589 says:

if the light doesnt turn on with the door, check the light green wire behind your deck,
it needs to be wired into your constant

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