Honda Odyssey Battery Cable Terminal End Replacement

Honda Odyssey Battery Cable Terminal End Replacement

How to replace the low quality battery cable terminal ends on a 2006 Honda Odyssey. Replaced with standard, stronger, battery terminal connectors. Needed new…



Wayne Williams says:

Thanks for the taking the time to show what you did to correct the problem.
Very helpful. Who are the 3 people who didn’t like your fix. Duh?

Ace Rimmer says:

Thanks for the video. Didn’t know about the protector spray, I thought only
dielectric grease was available.

thecheitey says:

Thanks for the post. I had an offical Acura battery, and the terminal ends
fit fine. I was in a wreck and had to replace the battery. These posts were
smaller than the Acura batttery. I just found this out because both
terminal ends were very lose, and causing battery to not start. I like the
mods you made on these, I will use when replacing mine. Thanks again.

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