Fixing my 91 Honda Civic Si. Replacing axle seal. PART 1

Fixing my 91 Honda Civic Si. Replacing axle seal. PART 1

In this video i will be removing the wheel knuckle and axle to get to the seal.



Bob Darlington says:

Next time wait until the lawnmower stops!

ElitePokerPlayer says:

Jack Stands required for this job. Safety First my Brah!!

David Lopez says:

@lilwill991 I dont know for sure but i am sure that it would lose presure i
do not know the specific name for this part. When i went to Honda they
figured out what i was talking about though. Good Luck

Keishemai says:

You should really have some jack stands underneath the car man, you cant
always trust hydrolic jacks.

Walden smith says:

hey i gotta 91 ford probe and my alxe going into my trans is leaking like
yours to can that make your Transmission lose pressure? and whats the name
of the seal?

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