DIY Removing 2012 honda civic rear H emblem

DIY Removing 2012 honda civic rear H emblem

Removed rear Honda H emblem and plasti dipped it, i used 30 pound test fishing string and jus rocked the emblem back and forth from every angle and it came o…



Howard Choy says:

@CheckMa7eyGB Yes, but you should still mask around it. If it’s too thin,
it’ll tear. If you don’t mask, the outer sections or over spray won’t peel
from the thicker parts as it’ll tear away.

Greg Browder says:

How do you remove those washers?

analiz leyva says:

hey can u tell me how u removed the little pins in the back?

Nforcez says:

How do you put it back on

MamaBurgerz says:

Your supposed to put 2-3 light coats you idiot

TheWobbled says:

How long does it take?

fjayrockst says:

because fuck you, thats why.

Howard Choy says:

Um, you can spray plastidip while the emblem is on the car… The excess
just peels away. Also, multiple light even coats spaced out make for a
smoother finish.

kmrt100 says:

Why not put it on in layers like instructions say?

co0kiebombom says:

uggg i thought plastic dip was for u to paint on car ..idiot

CheckMa7eyGB says:

so i can spray it directly on my car n rip it off?

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