DIY 2013 2014 Honda Accord Coupe Fog Light HID Install

DIY 2013 2014 Honda Accord Coupe Fog Light HID Install

The bulb you need to purchase is H8 DDM Tuning: 35W H8 color temperature is your choice…



DIY: Car Modz says:

@Nam Hoo Kim, Color is your choice. Here is the color chart.

6K will be more blue than white.

Abhishek Sharma says:

Hey so are you actually planning on using a HID kit for your fog lights, or
is this just a tutorial you made? And also, I thought that the bulb was h9,
why are you using a h8? Thanks

deadfoxxy says:

Thanks for the install directions Jephu! I am very interested to see a
nighttime shot of this setup against a wall (is there any kind of cutoff
with these reflector fogs?)

I installed the ddm 5k today and I am very happy with the results so far.

deadfoxxy says:

Thanks again- based on that, I will not be doing this mod unless I get a
projector kit.

dolphanrene says:

Would you recommend doing HID on the headlights or go with LED? Thanks 

Nam Ho Kim says:

Hey bro, Im interested in replacing my fog light and low beam with the
HID’s for ddm. im having trouble in choosing what bulb color I want though.
I originally wanted 5K for both my fogs and low beam on my white accord
coupe. Do you think that’ll look okay or should I go for 6K on both? Hope
to hear back from you soon man. I’m trying to buy my kit by thursday since
I’m located in SD!

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