2013-2015 Honda Accord How to Remove Headlight Assembly Removal Install Replace

2013-2015 Honda Accord How to Remove Headlight Assembly Removal Install Replace

Step by step how to remove the headlight assembly on a 2013 2014 2015 Honda Accord.

Front Bumper Removal — https://youtu.be/1f6M2U4hgec
Two Piece Clip — https://amzn.to/2TOWga8



Hunter Thompson says:

cost for one headlight with LED's is: $550.00

some of the suv's have headlights that can be in excess of $1500.00

Jim Gagne says:

THIS IS WHY I"LL NEVER BUY A NEW CAR ! (my daily driver is an 85 and my back up is a 67. ) THESE PEOPLE THAT DESIGNED THIS CAN GET COVID AND FUCKING DIE ! and you might say Oohhh your a mean bad person for saying that… Really? so the people that designed this this way did this intentionally to make it so hard that 99% of people will just bring it to the dealer or a shop and get fucked just to change a stupid headlight. instead of removing 2 or 3 bolts and doing your self. But now I have to do this to the wife's car to try and save money and I still have to deal with and find the short . and WASTE MY FUCKING WEEKEND So yes ….I HATE THE PEOPLE THAT SAT AROUND A TABLE TRYING TO THINK OF A WAY TO FUCK PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY LIKE EVIL DEMONS. so I curse them with sorrow of watching their children DIE ! That is how much hate I have for the people that think in darkness, And as far as you saying if you curse someone ,it comes back on you ten fold ?HAHAAhahaah . looser . that is a lie made by the very people that don't want you to damn them to HELL ! I have found that the demons that I have cursed have always got whats coming to them and it has never been turn back onto me ,for I am not the one that is trying to fuck someone for personal gain… I just believe payback is a Bitch.

djcurry curry says:

Great video! Just sucks I gotta remove the whole bumper to replace the head light lol

Bob Moe says:

This was very helpful. Thank you.
The one thing not mentioned was that when the assembly is removed, the light sits in a removable bracket that is underneath the light.
If a replacement is being installed, the bracket will have to be installed on the new assembly.

Ian Taylor says:

10 mm is equivalent to 3/8 so why my 3/8 is smaller

Johnny G says:

Jesus fucking Christ you have to remove the whole bumper?!?!? Fml


Do you recommend a place I can purchase LED light ?

RCC RT says:

Clear and to the point. Nicely done!

Garry Perrin says:

Thanks, very helpful

Deborah Mason says:

I am replacing my headlight and it is not with the manufactures headlight. Non EOM I guess. Well the center bulb looks as if I am going to have to find and adapter to add a new bulb housing as the set up in not the halogen. I am fine with this as the original lights are crazy expensive. Does the auto parts store have this conversion set up? If I explained myself well enough. You did a great job on the video…. very clear. Thank you!

Yeop Roy says:

Dismantle of the roof pleaseeee..

FATT_ HEMI says:

What low beam bulb does it use

tntcart says:

Is there a way just to take the clear plastic piece off and replace?

Francis Lau says:

Hi, thanks for your informational video. My front bumper under the head lamp clip is broken, is there anyway I can replace/repair the clip ? Or do I have to replace the whole bumper !

Taylor Weise says:

can you make a video how to take the front clear plastic piece off

vamshi BO says:

Can you please send me the amazon link of the rubber clip which you removed First. I broke mine

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