Replace the starter on 1994 GmC sodoma pt. 2

Replace the starter on 1994 GmC sodoma pt. 2

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.



Wilton Perkins says:

Thank you Brother so much for the information on removing that bell housing
cover. I have a ’94 Jimmy and I ran into the same problem. You saved me a
lot of trouble! I especially enjoyed the Word you shared. I can do all
things through Christ who strengthens me! I pray God will continue to bless
you Brother. And may the Lord continue to use you to bless and edify His

Wilton Perkins says:

Thank you Brother so much for the information on removing that bell housing
cover. I have a ’94 Jimmy and I ran into the same problem. You saved me a
lot of trouble! I especially enjoyed the Word you shared. I can do all
things through Christ who strengthens me! I pray God will continue to bless
you Brother. And may the Lord continue to use you to bless and edify His

DavidWCPF says:

Praise Jesus. Your video helped me. Thank you for posting this.

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