Reduce GMC Sierra Drive Shaft Clunk – Slip Yoke Grease Fitting Install – HOW TO

Reduce GMC Sierra Drive Shaft Clunk – Slip Yoke Grease Fitting Install – HOW TO

Installing a grease fitting onto a 2002 GMC Sierra Drive Shaft Slip Yoke to allow for easy greasing of the slip yoke splines, and help reduce the infamous cl…



capman911 says:

Another fix would be after you have stopped your truck at a stop light is
to let up off the brake just a little bit to unload the bind up on the yoke
on the shaft in the rear of the transmission. Then when you take off you
won’t hear any clunking noise.

rcastanaga says:

Thanks I have a 2004 clunk is not bad but hope this helps.

Raider Red says:

theoretically, yes. there should be enough empty space where you wouldn’t
hit the splines with your drill, just be careful when you’re about to punch
through so you don’t knick the splines of the transfer case and/or
transmission output. also, be sure you fully remove all metal shaving with
magnet/vacuum, etc. Also, removing driveshaft if also pretty painless.

rcastanaga says:

Could you drill it without taking it apart?

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