How to Replace a Headlight Switch, Chevy and GMC

How to Replace a Headlight Switch, Chevy and GMC

How to replace the headlight switch on a Chevy C1500 Truck. The Headlight Switch on this Chevrolet truck is very easy to replace, This head light switch shou…



Mon Saka says:

Did you also notice that your tail and running lights didn’t work? I have
no panel lights and no tail lights. I think this switch may be at fault but
I am not completely sure since it does not even work a little bit
regardless of wriggling and tweaking. The wife said she smelled something
electrical when it quit working. 

jheathma15 says:

Good video. I have a 92 Chev pickup with automatic transmission and I had
to put it in neutral to have enough room to get the panel out. I’m not
mechanically inclined so it took me a few minutes to figure this out.

emaswat900 says:

Thanks for uploading this. I had a smoking switch that had to be replaced.

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