How To Install Replace Tailgate Handle Chevy S10 Pickup Truck GMC S15 Sonoma 98-04

How To Install Replace Tailgate Handle Chevy S10 Pickup Truck GMC S15 Sonoma 98-04 1A Auto shows you how to repair, install, fix, change or replace a broken or snapped off…



downspour says:

thank you!!!

Archangel0804 says:

Is this consistent for the Blazer of this year range? I cannot budge the
Bezel on the Blazer

kirkland davis says:

is this the same thing you would do for a 1996 chevy s10?

1A Auto Parts says:

@abergethirty We’ll keep this in mind. Thank you for checking us out on

1A Auto Parts says:

@Archangel0804 Yes the process should be the same.

Matthew Castaneda jr. says:

Thanks so much for the info. Excellent video. Very professional.

Vacmasterthegreat says:

is this the same set up/install on the 1st generation?

1A Auto Parts says:

You may want to check the rods going to it to see if they’re loose.

Tyler Rigney says:

I did as the video said. And my handle isnt straight, and it opens fine but
won’t shut by its self i have to push it in. Help please.

1A Auto Parts says:

@kirklanddavis The process should be very similar if not the same as in the

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