88-98 Chevy/GMC Full SIze Headlight and Parking Light install

88-98 Chevy/GMC Full SIze Headlight and Parking Light install

Installation of AnzoUSA Halo Headlights and LED Parking Lights Free intro template from SonyVegasPro1.



christopher walley says:

I just installed some halo headlights and I got them installed and they are
crooked? I cant figure out why..

Michael Beall says:

Just letting you guys know that some models have a screw that holds on the
grill right above the bow tie. I see why you don’t have one since it’s an
aftermarket grill. Great video though and very helpful. 

shooter2443 says:

I want to be able to have just the halos on without the parking lights, how
would I go about wiring the halos so that I can do this

Marcos Medrano says:

I just ordered some lights as well and it only has two wires coming out a
blue and a red one. Any comments on this?

anzousa says:

@LuisFernando0185 on the two red wires one is ground and the other is
power. it doesnt matter which one you use for what. on the green and black
wires the black is ground and the green is power. you can tie the green and
one red together and the black and one red together and splice the wires to
your power and ground on your parking lights. if you need further
instruction you can email me at shaun@anzousa.com thank you for viewing our

Marcos Medrano says:

And does it matter witch wire you splice it into? Like left or right?

LuisFernando0185 says:

Hi I have the same set of halo headlights just the color is different I
have the black anzo halo headlights, but my headlights has two red wires
one black and one green can you tell me how to connect theme to the parking
lights? Thanks

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