Install Headunit in late model GM

Install Headunit in late model GM

How to install an aftermarket CD Player. A lot of the steps are applicable to any vehicle, but we’re specifically install this into a car equiped with ABS, S…



Ratbiker says:

Hey I just bought the same car. What is this bus controller and what does
it do? Do I need to install it?? Or will it work just fine without one?

Jesse Langdon says:

i have a 03 grand prix gt and a jvc kd-s27 head unit

thumasta666 says:

im buying a car from my neighbour, its a 2002 chev cavalier.. he has some
weird stuff going on with the stereo right now.. he has the stock deck
hooked up in the trunk, and an aftermarket deck in the dash.. just
wondering, if there is an easier way to hook it up.. right now the radio in
the trunk is locked, and i would have to go to GM and pay them 60$ to
unlock it… can i just get 1 of those type 2 bus thingys instead? thanks

Brennan Manion says:

Hi Decibel Car. I was wondering if there is an easier way to connect the
cables? I ordered a new head unit, an antenna adapter and an installation
kit for my old Yukon XL but I do not have the tools to melt the cables
together. Any suggestions?

ArioFlight says:

I dont have a adapter so i have to solder each wire individually. Im having
problems with my internal amp because its wired to the factory speakers,
any advice what to do?



Jesse Langdon says:

mine doesnt turn on.. only the display and eject works.. no other
power..can you help me

DragunBreath says:

Nice vid, only a couple off things I would have suggested doing
differently: You should have twisted the wires into a braid, then heat up
the braid with the iron and let it draw the solder into it. Much more solid
connection. Also, it would have been better to use heat shrink instead of
electrical tape.

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