(HD) Learn how to change GM lock cylinder (101) part 1

(HD) Learn how to change GM lock cylinder  (101) part 1

Start with a new GM lock cylinder Then find your tools. Ask me anything. Learn everything there is to know about Rekeying locks, opening cars and customizing…



akparasite says:

Great video…exactly what I was looking for! …except that Part 1 stops
after you start removing the hazard light switch and Part 2 starts with
replacement of the steering wheel. Never got to see how to remove/replace
the lock cylinder…bummer.

billy gibbs says:

Hey my friend, my derby car, a 76 Grand Prix, no tilt, I am changing lock
cylinder because I have no key. Im into it and it has a TAB, no screw! do I
push the tab up or down? I have tried gently and the old cylinder wont
budge. Any suggestions? thank you bud!

Thndrcock91 says:

have a 66 cadi. got a new ignition cylinder but i cant get it to stay in.
old one popped out fine…


@akparasite Yes, we do a better job later

billy gibbs says:

@giljacky Did u get any results? just read your question after I posted
mine. Thanks friend!

billy gibbs says:

@giljacky Thanks man, I got mine out today (with the help of my illegal
alien mexican neighbor) who is a pretty crafty mechanic. We used a 1/16″
hex head, cut short like a pick. He stuck it BEHIND the tab and that fucker
popped out like a newborn kitten. I wonder what he did in mexico? That
bastard loves Bud Light tho! we were driving across the creek like stuntmen
in 10 minutes! this baby has a hell of a 400 in it, I think I will run this
motor. Take Care!

amcanmike says:



@amcanmike Thank you

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