GM Poppet injector diagnostics and replacement

GM Poppet injector diagnostics and replacement This video demonstrates how to replace GM poppet injectors. It also shows how to clear the distributor vent h…



Airtextech says:

@scwhdw Opps I guess it would help if I read the entire question. We are
using a tech 2 for the cam retard. Mark Hicks Airtex Vehicle Electronics

Airtextech says:

@scwhdw We are using the Modias connected directly to the 5 gas. The
software is already in the Modias, if remember correctly. We then shot it
with the camera. I hope this helps, if you have any further questions
please let me know. Mark Hicks Airtex Vehicle Electronics

scwhdw says:

What scan software was used to measure cam retard?

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