5.7 , 6.2 , 6.9 , 7.3 , Ford , GM Diesel Injection pump Solenoid bypass and replacement

5.7 , 6.2 , 6.9 , 7.3 , Ford , GM Diesel Injection pump Solenoid bypass and replacement

Title pretty much explains it. Special thanks to Bruce Jackson and Bill Shooke for the roadside assistance !! Couldn’t have done it without you. Beak downs i…



scorpiocat69 says:

Hopefully this will come in handy or not be necessary in my travels. Great
video, Thanks for putting it out there.

KB8OOE says:

I hope this helps any of you stranded out there. Great for bug out vehicle.
Special Thanks to Bill Shooke and Bruce Jackson for the roadside assistance
on this one !!

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