We Should have Done this Before we Started! Ford Festiva Restoration

We Should have Done this Before we Started! Ford Festiva Restoration

We are a DIY family trying to build a better life. We like to share projects and regular life updates. Our goals are to create a happy home, live healthy, develop our life skills, and see where our life leads us.

Visit our website: http://diyfferent.com



DIYfferent says:

This car has no evidence of ever being in a flood. I just wanted to say this since we're getting a lot of comments regarding that.

Manuel Mendez says:

I can learn more English with this people than with my actual English teacher.

David Cagle says:

When yall going to do a new video

Gary Mucher says:

You both now achieved the title of "shade tree mechanics". A coveted title that not everyone achieves…

ThomasKarine Smith says:

Enjoying your videos, and how your family works together:-). Someday, maybe you guys will have a nice shop/garage to work in, probably will make those type of projects more fun:-).

FixItYerself says:

looking good!

Shade Garden says:

Any rust? Get it gone…tin cans do rust easy. Our Fiesta rusted out, a bad paint job.

Shade Garden says:

Do you have seat belts?

Allen Buck says:

Hats off to you guys love the channel thanks again for the video

Various Engineering says:

Oh thank goodness its not another rwd conversion build that'll destroy a decent festiva.

Lori Ahumada says:

Great job maverick

Marilyn Weist says:

You two work very well together! Maverick is really growing! This video is the first time I could see his height. ❤

K Wells says:

I had a light assembly that held water for some reason, couldn't find the reason, so we drilled holes in the bottom so it would drain! Worked!

Bakers Daily Double says:

Just drill a hole in the bottom done no more keeping water

linda lafrance says:

The bugs are so loud. Yikes

Sue Cook says:

Maverick is getting so BIG, great little helper.

Elaine Johnson says:

I love that car! What color? Will you paint it yourselves? If so, how?

Kay Stanley says:

My mother had a car like that and it was a great running little car for over 12 yrs. It is a foreign engine. Don’t paint it. I love that blue color

Robin Boyer says:

Cool, this is so cool!

Stephen O'Shaughnessy says:

Devoting shows to some auto repair is fine by me. It gives non-car people some greater insight as to how cars are constructed and can be fixed.

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