How to Recharge Your Air Conditioner (demonstrated on a Ford Ranger)

How to Recharge Your Air Conditioner (demonstrated on a Ford Ranger)

I recently recharged my air conditioner on my 2001 Ford Ranger using Arctic Freeze Ultra Synthetic 134a+ refrigerant. I thought I would share this video with others to show how easy it is….



puffnstuff12 says:

Thanks for taking the time to make this video. I’m about to do this to my
05 ford escape rather than pay the outrageous price that the local shops
want to evacuate and refill the system.

Richard Thompson says:

Just pulled my 01ranger out of a 2 year hibernation and my a/c doesn’t work
I will try this and see what happens. Thanks for the video. Mine has 150k
miles and I haven’t charged it since I bought it new. How many miles on

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