Ford Escape Stereo Removal 2001-2007

Ford Escape Stereo Removal 2001-2007

F A C T O R Y – C A R – S T E R E O – R E P A I R



jfohl3r says:

use metal coat hangers.

David Burpeau says:

Nice job!

a fisher says:

seems so simple. I get that spring loaded feel on the left side but not the
right..I get the tool in but it has no spring, and I can tell that side is
still latched. I purchased the tools from cut rate auto parts…they don’t
have notches but more like little balls on the ends.

caballo2154 says:

See if you can do a stereo removal on a Hyundai Santa Fe 2013. Great

RiesgoHumano says:

great video. Do you know why mi car stereo works but I cant hear anything
in the speakers. Do you know why?

Christopher Herbert says:

what size is the factory radio

Randy Holden says:

Thank you! I couldn’t figure it out and the Ford book was no help. Again,

Bigman! says:

What were the makers thinking..? Screw driver would have been easier?

Kevin Smith says:

Cheers good video

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