fixing the old ford

fixing the old ford

get er done



marcelstjean says:

@schark30 ;-] rock on.

mitym64 says:

fords good engineering died with henry

marcelstjean says:

@MagicCadillac yeah she went through major surgery.cheers Kay.

marcelstjean says:

@photosbychristensen lots of beer clean shop.clean

marcelstjean says:

@gasman7777 yeah i changed the oil back in no i do change it and
its doo. yeah man that trucks a die hard.

marcelstjean says:

@HappyScrappy47 im sure glad he knows what hes doing.. hes a great guy.

photosbychristensen says:

I think it a 4 case of beer to get fix the truck.I dont beleve how white is
that cat for a shop cat.

acrazycanuck78 says:


marcelstjean says:

@capecodunderground i agree

MagicCadillac says:

Well, lots of work at the old Ford. Cheers buddy

gassolean says:

@Gordyz40s thanks 🙂

HappyScrappy47 says:

What a bitch job! Right on gassoleen – nice work!

JEBinCLFD says:

Is that the original oil filter Marcel…..LOL

Rex4x4 says:

holy crap man u should be scrappin at night more often

Kortt Wulfe says:

haha….that Bubbles was awesome!

marcelstjean says:

@03grandgtramair is alot of fun..cheers.

marcelstjean says:

@JEBinCLFD no its from the early 90’

daddytech says:

@marcelstjean yep super romantical and you wasted it. shoulda had shelly
along for that one lol

Matt Hopps says:

@marcelstjean Mines also a 1977 so it might be missing a few sensors and

james91ireland says:

gut them computers there gold in them

marcelstjean says:

@rex4x4 maybe thats the key.

marcelstjean says:

@nonfatalfonso its been through alot, she’s a good ol teeruk.

Tanner King says:

88. Ha blame the people who decided to put 1980s tech on a 1960’s engine.

marcelstjean says:

@utoobube lol.

chaseme81871 says:

damnit man!!!! lol

marcelstjean says:

@metalvocalistwanted METAL

marcelstjean says:

@Lantra488 im not sure on the article will it get done or i suess
i should cal her. no its a 351 v 8. the gas guzling scrap

VlogginLife says:

Oh Frig…Gassolean is a computer technician…I didn’t know LOL.

marcelstjean says:

@INKEDisINSANE Fuck you Bob man.

marcelstjean says:

@pontiachotshot get er done.

pontiachotshot says:

how good was your timeing chan ? thats one expensive job in a car shop.good
to have friends,


lmfap marcel yur a freaking goof bro love how u fixed the mirro on the
truck i laughed so hard kick ass vid man

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