Fixing Heated Seats in Ford Fusion

Fixing Heated Seats in Ford Fusion

Fixed a broken seat heater by removing shorted wire that burned a hole in the seat! Soldered on new wire to get the heater working.



Craig Daw says:

Learn how to solder if you’re going to make an instructional video. 

Istebrak-Art Instructor says:

Can you please leave more information so that we can do what you did. My
car has the exact same problem. What was the first step you took? Did you
remove the seat from the car first or is that optional? What kind of
assembly booby-traps should I look forward to or you might have faced? What
kind of specific wiring do I need and what tool is best for stripping it,
and roughly how much did the entire project cost you? Is a solder
expensive? Please try to answer all of these questions for me X

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