A look Inside the Ford Blend Door Motor and how to fix the temperature control

A look Inside the Ford Blend Door Motor and how to fix the temperature control

Can’t seem to get the temperature control to work on your Ford Explorer or Ranger? No heat? No cold? One of the most common reasons for this is the failure of the blend door motor / module – Mark shows you the symptoms, the part, why it fails and what it costs.



Darrell Huggins says:

I am replacing this currently in my 2008 ranger… Hard to get at, but got it out… nightmare to get back in. Part was about $60 CDN aftermarket. It is a do able job for the at home person with the right tools, but be ready to spend a good part of the day screw around with it. I would be interested to find out what the ford repair book has for the repair time, took me hours.

Mambo Dave says:

This is sad to hear. I had a 1999 F150 with blend-door issues of another type, and now this. No, I don't trust GM any better, but Ford just keeps letting their buyers down, and doesn't seem to care about their name anymore.

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