(#39) 1994 Ford Ranger 3.0 liter engine water pump replacement

(#39) 1994 Ford Ranger 3.0 liter engine water pump replacement


MotorCity Mechanic says:

Your thanks is very much appreciated. Glad I could help. I’m surprised you
could find a Haynes manual still lol. Then again the truck didn’t just roll
of the assembly line yesterday

Blue Heron VInyl says:

How did you get that tool to work? The one that removes the fan? The tool
you show is widen than the bolt?? I can’t get the pulley to stay in place
and loosen the bolt?

corey perez says:

Very helpful. i have a 93 ranger and it was pretty much identical to this.
will definitely come back for more repairs.

aksfilmsusa says:

Thanks for the video. It was very helpful. I just viewed your video and
replaced the water pump on my 93 ford ranger 3.0 liter 2wd. You saved me
lots of money. Will pass your link to my friends. Thanks again man.

Tony Corbitt says:

One of the best auto vids I’ve ever seen. Thanks man.

Keith Scott says:

I just viewed the video. I have a 2001 Ranger 3.0L. Is it pretty much the
same process? How about the fan clutch, any recommendations on replacing

amandakayemeek says:

good video..i’m a ASE GM trained service manager for fourteen years, not
much on FORDS???? BUT I TRY to help my buddies out when they need help
working on their FORDS. GOD BLESS THEM.

captain Olson says:

Great job on the vid, thanks man it really helped me out and a unfortunate
ford job done successfully! Lol

King of Ireland says:

Good video, thanks.

jj em-ce says:

Thank you for this video it really help me today !!!

eanderson2011 says:

do you need to turn the nut for the fan clutch clockwise or do you need a
special tool to hold the pulley.

John Pfister says:

Did the Ranger that you replace the water pump on have AC? If so, was
there enough give in the lines to get out of the way?

restockton009 says:

This video saved my butt man! Thanks! I had the Haynes manual, but it
doesn’t say anything about having to move that bracket out of the way and I
was really pulling my hair out trying to figure out where all the bolts
were that held that on. Your tie strap idea was a real back saver! Thanks

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