2008 Ford Fusion Climate Fan Not Working – Auto Repair Series

2008 Ford Fusion Climate Fan Not Working – Auto Repair Series

Cabin fan resistor replacement: 15 to 30 minutes. 2008 Ford Fusion cabin fan would not blow at any speed. This video will show you how to test and replace th…



Robert DIY says:

You are welcome. Thanks for watching. 

Nathan Edwards says:

This worked like a charm!! Thanks so much!! 

Elias Hernandez says:


Robert DIY says:

If you see another screw on yous just pull it. It should not hurt anything. I do not have the car so I can not verify anything else.

Elias Hernandez says:

Hi. You say there is only one screw. I see two. Is it because you only have to unscrew one for it to unhinge? Could you indicate what screw?

Robert DIY says:

Not at this time. I have not done much since I started YouTubing.

Jay Pitzer says:

you have anything on trouble shooting home A/C units?

Robert DIY says:

Good. Hope this works for you.

Jay Pitzer says:

mine 2010 just started acting up two weeks ago. it is intermittent. my gut tells me if it was the fan then it wont work part of the time and other it not. so it might be resistor. i will try cleaning that. great video. i will start coming back. i have already fixed the throttle body myself.

Robert DIY says:

Maybe they are on the passengers side. They are on either side of one of the screws you pulled. Look with a light, they are there. Let me know if they are on the passenger side.

Jimmie Putman says:

I can’t figure out where the tabs are to get at the resistor.

Robert DIY says:

Great to hear. Tell them to order the part and have it on hand for replacement, if they have not replaced it already.

SurferSouthern says:

You saved my brother in law and his family. They had this exact problem and were heading out to drive half way across the country and the blower went out. This was the exact problem. Thank you so much for taking the time to post this video!! The issue was on a 2010 Fusion and now they are good to go.

Robert DIY says:

Count your blessings!!! Glad it helped. 🙂


You posted this video as soon as I had the same problem. It worked. And I almost took it to a mechanic. You saved me a load of money.

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