2006 Ford Explorer 4.0 4.6 V6 Harmonic Balancer Replacement

2006 Ford Explorer 4.0 4.6 V6 Harmonic Balancer Replacement

Helping a friend out, the belt originally came off. After further inspection the harmonic balancer had failed and needed to be replaced. Not uncommon with th…



ryry50001 says:

any word on the toner ring?

CubNole says:

Also a lot of the Dorman balancers had incorrect toner rings installed on
them that sends mixed messages through the crank pos. sensor 

CubNole says:

By failed do you mean the pulley has separated from the rubber and fallen
back closer to the motor while the belt is somehow spinning around on a
chunk of rubber? 

Timetotinker says:

very nice……….tony

nick n says:

I would’ve took that back.

nick n says:

As for bolts I just re torque with locktite

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