2000 Ford Ranger Pioneer Double Din DVD TV / MB Quart Factory Replacement

2000 Ford Ranger Pioneer Double Din DVD TV / MB Quart Factory Replacement

I REALLY wish I would have had more time to film installing the deadener behind the speakers in the doors etc. but I just simply ran out of time (as usual). …



Michael S says:

Can you link me a photo of the wire (not a wiring diagram) for both parking
break & reverse signal wire.. .having issues finding both of these to
connect to my head unit.

sarah braun says:

This was useless. 

kylejones250 says:

how much was the grand total for all of it

Brandon Ryan says:

Thanks for the video. I wish you would have recorded the actual removal of
the stock and the install of the pioneer, though. Do you know of any videos
that show that part? 

theknexkid101 says:

@NIK3 fps did you try pulling the ebrake while in park

chiefdarklord69 says:

buy a relay from ebay for your unit to ground out the parking brake wire on
the back of the receiver

erik71896 says:

looks great!! check out my ranger!

Loudizzzzle says:

LMAO definitely not. Ashes from where the ashtray was.

GanG914 says:

Is that coke on your table?

jose nunez says:

Berry nice lol

Felipe Cervantes says:

If u dont have the relay, put a switch on ur green wire and the other side
to ground

Loudizzzzle says:

LOL the cameras I use are around 250 bucks and I have several. Got about
another 300 in accessories for them. Do the math Troll on.

KillerTofu808 says:

does it work with the iphone 5? and what model pioneer is this?

Texans52 says:

haha wow i just bought that same year Ranger with that EXACT same stereo
but who ever owned it before me didn’t seem to have installed the bezel
right because its loose and i cant watch dvds on it even when in park, any

akulabite says:

can the video play while vehicle is in motion? If no can it be bypassed?

seth rice says:

I’ll buy the old head unit from you

metabolife says:

i have this feeling that he’s watching this in 144p

David Schultz says:

I found out that you have to grind away the top and bottom lips the hard
way.. Installed basically the exact same head unit in my 09′ For Ranger and
everything was going smoothly, got all the wiring harnesses done, got my
sub in and wired through and such, then took the trim, tried to put the new
head unit in, and it doesn’t fit.. So that was irritating but hey what are
you gonna do right? just grind away the top and bottom and you’re good to
go! lol

seth rice says:

I have 03 ranger xl 2.3l 4 cl engine the greatest truck in the world and
it’s my first vehicle I’m still in high school so I don’t have to much
money to spend but I can hack into that head unit and put iPod controls in

Fotosynthesis858 says:

Rockin’ the wife-beater & Daisy Dukes…

Loudizzzzle says:

Yup same thing we did! Sometimes ya just gotta make it work!

rottenrowdie says:

Dude , try spending more than $19 for a camera

Walter Boyce says:

looks nice bro, ill stay tuned for that sound test too 🙂

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